About Our Trust
The Attigo Academy Trust was formed from three schools in Enfield joining together.
Alma, Keys Meadow and Worcesters Primary Schools have worked together in a variety of different ways for some time. We are all schools in the London Borough of Enfield and are located in the same geographical area. We recognise that each school has different strengths that will support us to develop and improve together.
Each Governing Body voted in favour of us seeking Academy status together and Academy Orders were granted by The Regional Schools Commissioner in March 2018. Since making the decision to apply for Academy status we set up a working party which comprises of the Headteacher, Deputy and a governor from each school. The group has worked together to establish the following:
- Vision, Mission statement and Aims of the Trust
- Governance and Accountability
- Strategic Objectives
- Plan for Growth
A Board of Trustees have been established as they are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the Trust in accordance with the provisions set out in the Memorandum and Articles of Association. The Board is the accountable body for the performance of all schools within the Trust and as such will:
- Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Hold the Chief Executive Officer to account for the educational performance of the schools and their pupils, and the performance management of staff
- Oversee the financial performance of the Trust and make sure its money is well spent
Attigo have a guiding set of principles when constructing the curriculum for all our schools.
Meet the Team
Attigo Academy Trust is made up of a
collaboration of professionals and experts.
Hardship Fund
Information, Donating and Criteria to
Access the Hardship Fund Scheme